When we lived in Annapolis, it was commonplace for us to head out for coffee in the morning, which turned into lunch, which turned into drinks, which turned into dinner on the water. We couldn’t get enough of our adorable city and the tasty restaurants that littered the streets. Walking the day away through cobblestone streets was, and still is, one of my favorite pastimes. Now, when we leave our house our weekend strolls are quite different. Rather than walking on quaint east coast streets, we walk on snow-covered trails. We certainly don’t last all day anymore either, because there aren’t any restaurants nearby for sustenance and because it’s too cold! If you’ve seen my Instagram lately then you know there’s been moose lurking around to snack on leftover pumpkins, so this past weekend we set out to find their fallen horns. (Yes, you guys, it’s a total thing. Apparently they fall off this time of year and finding them is magical.) We struck out horn hunting but did achieve frozen faces and lots of giggles from the babe as we slipped and slid in every direction while navigating treacherous terrain to follow moose tracks.