Waverley turned four years-old yesterday, October 1st. (Posting this a day late is a clue regarding how the weekend transpired!) It’s difficult to comprehend that I became a mother four years ago. It feels like forever yet seems like yesterday. When I look back at pictures from those first days it looks like another life, another person. I recognize that new mama and want to give her a hug– and laugh at what she has yet to experience. The day Waverley was born was the day I became a mother, therefore her birthday will always signify a very important day of remembrance for me. I am celebrating her, of course, but also the single most life-changing day in my life.
Waverley is an enigma, as many four year-olds are. Being with her is like riding a roller coaster of emotions with high highs and low lows. A tantrum can bulldoze a lovely moment in the blink of an eye. When she is in a good mood, she is sweet, silly, curious, and calm. She loves to bake with me, go on walks, and play with her sister. She adores ballet right now and prefers to wear skirts and dresses that she can twirl in. She is in a very girly phase: her favorite colors are pink and purple, she loves playing dress-up, talking about princesses, and piling on jewelry. She is shy out in public yet is a performer at home. She will serenade us all day long (how perfect she received two microphones for her birthday!) and loves dance parties.
Waverley knows what she wants. She is stubborn! Even my best pediatric OT tricks can barely get her to do certain things. She is cautious, as she has been since she was a babe. She likes to observe, take things in, and talk about them later. Her imagination is blossoming and I love to hear her stories about rainbows and unicorns. She loves afternoon naps (not that it is always easy to get her to take one) and snuggling in bed with us in the morning. She enjoys school, loves being read to, and exploring outside. She collects rocks and stones. I have absolutely no idea what she might be when she is an adult. Her current answer to that question is “a unicorn.” Obviously.
In the past year, Waverley has grown from a diaper-wearing toddler into full-fledged little child. She has gone from an only child to the most caring and helpful big sister. Her consideration of Magnolia is beautiful; I could never have wished for anything more. She will have me rolling in laughter with her one-liners to near-tears in frustration. She has also grown from a sweet tempered, obedient toddler to a girl with as much angst and sudden mood swings as a teenager. We truly never know what we are going to get with her! Everything is a risk! That being said, her patience and love for her sister never wavers.
She is Wavey (her newest nickname of choice), Waverley, Precious Girl, or Sweetness. She loves popcorn, breakfast food, and spaghetti. I love our conversations and her increasing interest into girlhood. She keeps talking about losing teeth and going to kindergarten. I just tell her to please enjoying being four years-old. You’re only four once and if the past four years have taught me anything, it’s that four will go by faster than three, which was faster than two, which was faster than one. Slow down, Time. I can’t soak it all in this quickly.
Happy birthday, Waverley Marcella.
{Balloon, Shop Sweet Lulu. Dress, Alice + Ames. Booties, Hanna Andersson. Flower crown, Bloomsbury Blooms. Photography, Kristian Irey.}