A few weeks ago a baby walrus crawled onto a gold mining boat outside of Nome, Alaska. The poor little thing lost his mama and now lives at the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward. Upon learning the news of his arrival I, of course, decided we had to go see him that very second. I mean, a BABY WALRUS! 120 pounds of blubbery sweetness! We drove down to Seward for the day and had such a lovely time. The weather was beautiful (i.e., not raining) and everyone had fun exploring. And I write that now as it has been nearly two weeks and I’ve mostly forgotten about the meltdowns, the food on the floor of the restaurant, the 30 minutes straight of crying in the car, the spilled milk, the refusal to walk, the public strip down to feed a screaming a baby, and the general exhaustion that comes with taking a toddler and infant on outings. Yay it was great! Anyway…unfortunately the baby walrus was difficult to take pictures of as he is kept far from people. For pictures of his silliness and eating habits read this article! For pictures of our fun family day, keep on scrolling:)
Lovely family shots and I love your honesty too!