My two pregnancies thus far have been completely different. Waverley was a total surprise, we lived in Maryland, in hindsight we really had minimal responsibilities besides demanding work schedules, and pregnancy hormones made me feel completely chill and happy. Despite these blaring life circumstances that made the experience different I thought I knew what I was in for when I first spotted that positive sign back in December. Still, it’s true what everyone says: each pregnancy is completely different. This is what caught me off guard or I found surprising with this pregnancy compared to the first:
1. Pregnancy hormones did not effect me the same way. I was really looking forward to a year of zen but this time I felt extra emotional about everything!
2. I had the same cravings. Perhaps the old wives’ tale is true and girls induce cravings of sweets and carbs, because that is all I have wanted throughout the duration of both pregnancies. Give me all of the ice cream and bagels!
3. Despite having a planned cesarean this time around, I am much more anxious about the birth. I may have been completely naive about labor and delivery with Waverley, but the thought of having an emergency cesarean never crossed my mind. It didn’t seem like a possibility and I assumed her labor and delivery would come and go smoothly. I couldn’t have been more wrong! This time around, I have been nervous for the the delivery from the start.
4. Celebrating second and subsequent pregnancies is really for one’s immediate family. Everyone else is kind of over it!
5. Chasing around a toddler while pregnant truly is incredibly exhausting— yet also helps keep the weight gain in check. My total weight gain is about 10 lbs less at this point than I was with Waverley and I attribute it all to less rest with her in the picture. I certainly haven’t been cutting back on my ice cream consumption:)
6. I appreciate being pregnant much more than I did. Having firsthand knowledge/trepidation of the postpartum phase has made me truly feel grateful for being pregnant (the cute belly! the friendly hello’s! the ice cream!) and I am beginning to mourn this phase’s end.
7. The second pregnancy goes by so much faster. When I was pregnant with Waverley, it seemed never-ending. I felt like I’d be pregnant forever and ever and life would never actually happen. This second pregnancy, though, has flown by. Even the dreadful first trimester seemed like a tiny blur of nausea and misery. I have been warned this phenomenon continues with the second baby growing up, so I am going to try to take extra measures to soak the newborn phase in.
8. Having a planned pregnancy vs a surprise did not necessarily make the experience easier. It just goes to show, you can’t plan everything. Nate and I thought we were planning our life out just right when we decided to have another baby; we timed the birth out with work, hunting season, and social schedules. Then many factors changed that impacted life and I am realizing planning only works out so much– and the unplanned aspects of life are often the most seamless.
9. The second pregnancy is still magical. I thought I’d be unimpressed with much of this pregnancy’s milestones, yet I am still thrilled and excited. Watching the little alien inside of me twist around is still amazing. I am still in awe of what a woman’s body is capable of. Although I thought I was maxed out, my body still managed to produce more stretch marks. I still love dressing the bump.
10. Just because it’s a second pregnancy, doesn’t mean anything is possible. I’ll admit, I may have piled a few too many responsibilities on my plate this summer in addition to being pregnant. At the time I made commitments I felt like being pregnant was old hat without considering the obvious factors like exhaustion, aches and pains, and time. Being a mother certainly develops one’s “can-do” attitude and this summer was a necessary reminder that, no, one person cannot do everything. So I am taking care this final weekend of pregnancy to rest and not feel badly about it!
I’d love to know, what were you surprised about during any pregnancy?
I was totally like you in that I didn’t really consider the possibility I would have to have an emergency cesarean. Obviously, I realized it could happen, but that’s the sort of thing that happens to other people, not me! Definitely the biggest shocker. That and the sheer exhaustion of the first trimester. Congratulations to you!
Right? It’s totally the the sort of thing that happens to other people! And waaaait a second, are you guys expecting #2?!?
Oh no no no- Just reminiscing! Maybe someday though!