Can you believe this is my nine month pregnancy update? Pretty soon I’ll be sharing newborn updates! Yikes!
Currently craving…
I finally had the opportunity to indulge in my fried chicken + barbecue sauce and mashed potato craving so I am feeling much more satiated these days. I am at the point where nothing sounds good and I need to eat small, frequent meals because internal organ space is limited! I am drinking La Croix nonstop and would never turn down a Snickers on the side.
Relieved. Now that the decision has been made to go ahead with a repeat cesarean rather than attempt a VBAC I feel less anxious about what may or may not happen. The date is set and I love having a plan in place.
Food aversion…
One of the only ways I can stomach vegetables these days is in smoothies. Other than that, please get that kale out of my face. Thanks.
Excited about…
Finally getting the baby’s room put together! There are still a few things to hang, but all of the big jobs are done. The crib is built, the wallpaper is installed, and her newborn clothes are washed and put away. I love checking things off of my list!
Scared about…
Everything. Since I’ve been back in a hospital setting working in pediatrics again (vs working in academia), I’ve once again become familiar with the devastation of childhood cancer and other disabilities. I’m reminded how short life can be and to love my kiddos as much as possible, even through the tantrums and timeouts. I have an entirely new perspective working with children as a mother than I did before I had Waverley and it makes me scared, emotional, yet also allows me to connect with my patients on a deeper level.
Could do without…
Difficulty sleeping. I think sleep deprivation towards the end of pregnancy is one of the cruelest jokes mother nature could play on a fellow mama. I know the true sleep deprivation to come in just a few weeks so would really like to rest as much as possible until then! Please!
Grateful for…
Paternity leave! Nate will get to take two weeks off after the baby is born which is a dream come true compared to the single day he took off after Waverley was born. He slept at the hospital with me and then went to work in the morning. Then when we went home he was at work during the day. Since I’d had a cesarean I could barely do anything and would go without eating because I was in too much pain to get up (I also had a post-op infection which caused the extra pain). I am looking forward to a much better postpartum experience this time around!
First vs second pregnancy…
I am sure I’ve mentioned it before, but the second pregnancy is much more tiring than the first. Everyone warned me about this yet I didn’t really listen because I had such an easy first pregnancy. I just thought I was awesome at being pregnant:) It turns out, chasing around a toddler while pregnant does affect one’s energy levels. I was wrong!
First of all, SO grateful you are having a scheduled cesarean. Second, yes perspective changes after having kids. I am always amazed at how many “kid experts” there are that don’t actually have kids. I have kids and I am no where near an expert. That is why we have friends with kids our own kids ages to help each other or give advice. Just like Pearls on a String! Good to know you aren’t alone. Having kids changes everything.
It’s super easy to be a kid expert when you don’t have to personally follow-through on the issue!:) And thanks for the cesarean support!