You guys, I recently had an epiphany. I suddenly feel stronger, more focused, and more capable. I feel like I could literally do anything I set my mind to! Things like time, tiredness, and effort seem trivial because I know I’ve already done more, worked harder, and managed on less sleep than I thought possible.
I am talking about #momstamina, which is of course the crazy amount of endurance people develop after having children. I didn’t realize I had been afflicted with #momstamina until a recent weekend away. I was without Waverley and determined to make the most out of every single second. I should have been exhausted after weeks of far less than my ideal 8 hours/night, rarely having much time to rest or relax (usually my down time involves editing photos and answering emails), and chasing around a toddler. But, it seems my normal baseline has shifted to the right in the last two years and I can get by on less sleep with more energy and appreciation.
I have spent the past few weeks contemplating #momstamina and talking with other mamas who experienced the same phenomena. I’ve come up with a few reasons for our #momstamina, and I’d love to hear yours, too!
1. Gratefulness. My general lack of free time means I am extremely grateful, appreciative, and productive when I do have time. As a mom, I realize what a luxury time is and how important it is to not dwindle that luxury away. Of course I still indulge in mindless TV and nights on the couch to recharge, however, these nights are now fewer and shorter nowadays.
2. Pushing through. I recently complained to Nate that I wanted to call in sick and spend the day at home, in bed, napping while watching TV. ALONE. Like the old days pre-Waverley. I miss the ability to do that so much! With kids, that just isn’t possible because they’re always there, regardless if you feel up to their tantrums and exorbitant energy levels. Waverley is much like my former sadistic swim coach who would punish the entire team if one person dared to miss practice or come in late. This mentality has reminded me that being tired is not an excuse to bail on commitments and sometimes (all the time) a gal just has to dig deep and push through. This is the exact quote a former clinical instructor told me when I had 3 patients left at the end of a nearly 12 hour day. Yep, she had total #momstamina. We push through and do what needs to be done.
3. Big picture thinking. I’ve never been a great big picture thinker and used to focus better on the details. I’d cancel on events if I didn’t “feel ready” or had too many “things to do” at home. I’ve learned that those little details and tasks can wait. They’ll always get done, even if it’s not right away. I try to incorporate this into my daily life, for example when Waverley wants to play I usually play. Because, the mess in the kitchen can wait, the email can wait, and we all know Instagram can wait, but she’s only going to be this age for a hot second. These tasks are simply not as important as spending time with important people. So how does this relate to #momstamina? Well, after everyone goes to bed those tasks actually need to be handled. So #momstamina.
4. Overcoming fear. I have seen mothers beat unimaginable odds or achieve incredible goals because fear became irrelevant. Things stop being a scary obstacle and start turning into necessary tasks to check off the list. Through conquering fear comes the incredible gift of #momstamina. A few examples: My sister, who hated to run prior to having her two children, is now a marathon runner. My best friend, who never lived further than 40 miles from her hometown, moved to Germany with her two young children. My sister-in-law opened her own eye care practice while simultaneously becoming a Captain in the United States Air Force when her son was still a toddler. These women! #momstamina
5. Be better, be inspiring. As cliché as this sounds, Waverley is always in the back of my mind when I am making decisions. I constantly consider the example I am setting for her with my words and actions. I contemplate if I am trying my hardest, living gracefully, and working towards my goals. If the answer is no, then I reflect and try to shift my thoughts/actions in order to promote myself as the female role model I want her to have. This is no joke and incredibly difficult. There is no easy way out when your every action is being watched and mimicked, so #momstamina is essential. I truly believe having a daughter has made me a significantly better and more mindful person.
Are you also experiencing the wonderful, challenging, soul-crushing, elating, and life-changing impact of #momstamina? I want to hear about it! Start tagging your social media with #momstamina to show everyone how hard us mammas work on the daily. Let’s support each other’s efforts and lift other mammas up, because that’s the example we want to set for our kiddos. I see you over there giving 100% of yourself every day. #MOMSTAMINA
{Photography by Kristian Irey}
This was great. And was exactly what I needed to read today! Thanks so much.
Thank you so much for reading! I am thrilled you found it useful!