Aloha! Today my sweet little family and I are headed to Hawaii for a much-needed tropical getaway. Technically it’s not all play since we are going for my husband’s work, however, this does not rain on my excitement in the least. We have not had a proper vacation in years and the stress of the last two years is really growing apparent in our daily lives. I am ecstatic about the prospect of snorkeling, swimming, eating mountains of fresh fruit, experiencing appropriate day/night hours of darkness, and trading in my leg warmers + boots combo for skirts + sandals. I am especially excited to introduce Waverley to sand, the beach, and take her swimming everyday. I’ve spent the past week slowly bringing our tropical clothing out of hiding, which proved to be extra entertaining since I haven’t worn most of them in at least two years (the summer of 2012, prior to becoming pregnant!). Some items miraculously fit, some were stained beyond repair, and some will likely never. fit. again. Now, as Anchorage is fixing to play catch up with snowfall this weekend and lows in the negative degrees are imminent, I simply am bursting to arrive in Hawaii, put on a dress, and sip on a piña colada. Here’s a peek at my packing extravaganza, in case you are jonesing for a tropical vacation, too!
Is there anything sweeter than baby sandals? I couldn’t wait to get Waverley a pair of Salt Water Sandals. Do you remember those?! {Plus Babiators
, a sun hat, and a rashguard two-piece.}
The Honest Company
everything! I was so appreciative of the great feedback I received on what to pack for a tropical vacation with a baby, so I made sure to bring extra baby powder.
Warm weather essential: hats. Naturally.
I’m excited about my new carryon from Lo and Sons. It has millions of hidden compartments and couldn’t be sleeker. Of course, the best and fastest way to de-chic a new sleek bag is to cram the most obnoxious toddler toys in it.
One of the few new items I purchased for this trip are these fabulous metallic linen shorts. I mean…how amazing are these? I can only hope I get to wear them many, many times in my future. Dressed up, dressed down, I think they’ll be super versatile.
Vacation reads for the whole family: American Sniper
for Nate, Yes Please
for me, and The Pout-Pout Fish
for Waverley.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend (and stay warm if you happen to find yourself in Alaska!). Come see what we’re up to while gallivanting in Hawaii on my Instagram! Aloha!