This time of year is pure bliss (minus the allergies) because the weather, to this Oregonian, is perfection. The downside is knowing in just a few short weeks the humidity will arrive and the temperature will hardly dip below 90° which equals one grumpy Maryland-dwelling gal. In an effort to take advantage of the pleasantly fair weather I am covering up my limbs rather than bare my skin during these first warm days. There is plenty of time for skimpy dresses later when the heat is near-insufferable. So now, even though it is well before Memorial Day, is the ideal time for white jeans. (Does anyone even pay attention to that old rule anymore?)
{Jeans: Seven for all Mankind (old), similar style here. Shirt: J.Crew. Belt: J.Crew (old), similar style here. Scarf: Similar style here. Shoes: Read about them here.}
I love you watch, what is it?
Thank you! It is Burberry but is pretty old so it’s not sold anymore. I love their watches though, they always have a cute selection!
Girl, you read my mind. Was in Anthropologie a couple of days ago and was seriously contemplating purchasing these but decided against it as it has yet to even be 60 degrees here. Loving you in yours!!
Those pants are adorable and I love that they are ivory. You should definitely bring them home with you soon!