I am thrilled about the feedback I have been getting regarding this here little website. One note I received asked what I wear to work on a regular day beyond scarves, bracelets, and pretty nails. Here is an outfit I think any gal can rock that exceeds the mundane khakis and a shirt.
This outfit is based on one I wore to work last week. Enter awkward picture here:
Breakdown of similar options:
{J.Crew chambray shirt, wide leg pants, Burberry leather watch, printed scarf, striped sweater, Tory Burch flats, J.Crew pearl bracelet}
When dressing for work in a casual environment remember:
Do not underestimate the power of chambray.
A striped sweater and a patterned scarf can bring much-needed excitement to your day.
Comfortable, high quality flats are essential.
May I just say, I adore your blog! I found it in the Cap Fabb group, and I’ve been hooked ever since! You rock, girl! You mix a lot of things that I love, including style and cooking! : )
Thank you so much! You just made my day:) Thanks for reading!